Sunday, 9 August 2009

Some great print executions...

Over the past few weeks, I've come across a few print campaigns from around the world that have really struck a chord with me. Now usually I'm not a huge fan of print advertising as its such an easy form of advertising to ignore, but these campaigns are well executed and for me, highly engaging. Ads via I believe in advertising.

The first ad is from Publicis, India for the dog laxative brand Kennel, highlighting the speed of the tablet.

The second ad, again from Publicis, India, is for omax photography lenses. A wide angled lens, that enables you to succumb to your voyeuristic tendencies. A really great piece of creative.

The last ad campaign I found very well executed is for the hot tub brand Luxor that are deemed "extremely relaxing". Certain groups of people coming together and putting aside their differences to relax in the hot tub together. Brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. Nver thought I would see the day that the KKK would be advertising hot tubs, neithe did they I expect.

    Im doing a post soon on illusions in advertising. some beauties there!
